Sunday, December 30, 2007

Toms shoes...

Buy one pair of Toms shoes and a free pair goes to kids who don't have any!!

The shoes are really cute!


elise! said...

Mel - you asked when we will hang out.
I'm your nieghoor, just walk down to my house anytime your bored =]

kayla rae said...

My friend has these, it's a really cool program too!

tal said...

i haven't even heard of this before, but what a great cause!!!

sunshine said...

elise used the wrong 'your' its supposed to be you're ahaha uh yea i love toms!!! i should have a link on my blog! i wear them all the time, and they go to shoeless kids in Argentina, actually.

Unknown said...

Hey My Life Sized-

Thank you for writing about TOMS in your blog! We would like to send you a gift to show our appreciation. Please e-mail me your mailing address by this Friday! Also, we’d like to invite you to join our online community on Facebook at TOMS Shoes: Shoes for Tomorrow.

Take care,
Clark Tanner