Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Went to the oscars this weekend!!

My friend Jessica diaz and I went to Hollywood Oscars red carpet!

It was the most coolest thing ever! We saw sooo many stars getting out of there cars and it was so cool.

We ...
* got up at 2:30 in the morning
* got at Hollywood by 5:30 in the morning
* waited 8 hrs for the red carpet to start
* got interviewed for japan and hong Kong, as well as on our t.v Oscars

it was forever but it was SO worth it!
Johnny depp waved towards me!! It was amazing
and George clooney waved and smiled and totally looked over to us!
they were
my favorite!!


Heather Leith said...

ahh that's so fun!
i saw you on TV!

Jordan said...

Dudee you are luckyyy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Allison Murray said...

oh my....i'm so jealous of you right now!!!
next time tell me!!!

David T. Ulrich said...

hahaha - i like how your page is totally hacked. whats with all the funky link comments?

mel east!

i'm doing real beyond stinkin great. going to chicago for school next year - massively excited for that!

did you know that i'm real good friends with sarah reiter?

don't answer that: because i know the answer is yes.

she is great. you are great.

how great.


AMIT said...

Post something new now.

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